
Tác giả: Triệu Nguyên Tâm


( by Pauline Hoàng Quyên Chu
Challenger School. San Jose California
Nominated by eight grade teacher Carol Armitage
Teacher’s Selection: Anthology of Eight Grade Poetry
2005 Edition Volume VIII )

In the book of life
There are many chapters
Chapter of childhood
Where we lay blissfully ignorant
Chapter of growth
Where we came to notice the world around us
Chapter of knowledge
Where we wept at the bitter truth
Chapter of hope
Where we discovered love and happiness
And chapters of acceptance
Where we accepted it all
The good with the bad
And the bad with the good
The ink run dry
And I’ve finished this chapter
A chapter of joys and sorrows alike
I lay my pen down to rest
And take up a new one
I turn the page
And reveal another
Blank and pure
And calling for a new story
I press my pen down and begin to write
Begin to grow
Begin to learn
And begin a new chapter in the book of life

Pauline H. Q. Chu
San Jose. California
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