
Tác giả: Trần Viết Minh & Thanh

Poetry is the free union
Of feelings and rhythm
It's the melody of a song
Of love and expression

Poetry is a gust of wind
Bringing music to our ears
It's a mother's lullabies
Passing on dreams to her child

Poetry is the flapping of wings
Of those beautiful butterflies
Colorfully flying by
To enrich our minds

Poetry is nature to our souls
Fresh Spring, bright Summer
Romantic Autumn or gloomy Winter
It's the four seasons unfold

Poetry is the sea of laughters
Dancing on the sand of life
It's that flood of bright sunlight
Jubilant under the blue sky

Poetry is the cry of a heart
In need of love?
Or is it the cry of a soul
Unraveling hidden feelings?

Drops of rain, rays of sunlight
Laughters of joy, cries of despair
Echoes of feelings soothing our hearts
Brushes of nature touching one's soul.

That's Poetry for you and me...

One day in November, 2000

In memories of my mother who always recited Poetry to us as lullabies when we were young. It has given me inspỉation to write my own poems.
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