Cạn Khô 1

Tác giả: Trần Minh Hiền

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Bên đời
Lãng mạn
Chơi vơi
Bãng đãng
Trăng buồn
Miên man

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Những lời
Cạn khô
trần minh hiền orlando ngày 28 tháng 6 năm 2013
The woman sits there for hours to wait for her lover returns
She doesn't know that he doesn't want to burn
The society becomes more and more egoist
As we celebrate our independence and privacy to be pragmatist

I understand how much it takes to have what we get today
But also how far we can go to make it our way
Don't be overwhelmed in the last resort
The sky is so bright so that we should learn how to sort
trần minh hiền orlando June 28, 2013
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