Tác giả: Sara Teasdale

Nơi Sân Ga
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In A Railroad Station. by Sara Teasdale. we stood in the shrill electric light, Dumb and sick in the whirling din. we who had all of love to...

Sau Khi Yêu
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After Love. by Sara Teasdale. there is no magic any more, We meet as other people do, You work no miracle for me. nor I for you. you were the...

Tháng Năm (May)
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May. by Sara Teasdale. the wind is tossing the lilacs, The new leaves laugh in the sun, And the petals fall on the orchard wall, But for me the...

Thuật Giả Kim Của Em
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Alchemy. by Sara Teasdale. i lift my heart as spring lifts up. a yellow daisy to the rain;. my heart will be a lovely cup. altho’ it holds but...

Đêm Đông
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A Winter Night. by Sara Teasdale. my window-pane is starred with frost, The world is bitter cold to-night, The moon is cruel, and the wind. is...

Đoạn Cuối Cuộc Tình
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Afterwards. by Sara Teasdale. i do not love you now, Nor do you love me, Love like a splendid storm. swept us and passed. yet while the...

Đổi Chác
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Barter. by Sara Teasdale. life has loveliness to sell, All beautiful and splendid things, Blue waves whitened on a cliff, Soaring fire that...

Đôi Thiên Nga
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Swans. by Sara Teasdale. night is over the park, and a few brave stars. look on the lights that link it with chains of gold, The lake bears up...